Urban Shop

Shop 20x30M 2 stage
with input light

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Pergola Romantica

Pergola Romantica
This Build has been designed for a marriage proposal.
It is about 25m * 10m.
In the first part, there is a sofa with couples poses, a dance floor, curtains that open and close.
In the second part, 2 armchairs with single exposures (man and woman), fire (with a menu where you can choose the intensity of light and sound very realistic to a fire that burns). A table set for a romantic dinner, with different poses as one for eating. The glass of wine is too scripted and gives you a glass of wine in your inventory worn with an animated « drink ».

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Passeo with Gondola

gondola ridable with single and couple poses

random color change

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K&E Designing Mixing Console

K&E Designing Guitar Concert stage

Guitar scene for your concert

Orginal concert scene
multi light random color
fireworks with HUD

Contact me for see scene

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K&E Sculpt neon

K&E Designing Light Club

Light club mega promo rezday
Dancefloor 5 anim
chair and couch with pose single and couple,
4 light random color and rotation
4 light random color and movement
pltaine dj with system control
cocktail animation

Contact me if you want to see the ground I will as soon as possible


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K&E Designing shop new release

K&E reviewed its shop in order to improve quality and reduce premiums,
the shop are provided with displays and light,
the number of premiums has been reduced by way concidérable contact me if you want to see the ground I will as soon as possible

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Soirée Ecole sl

Voici qq photos faite à l’ecole sl, 2eme semaine de présentation avec DJ Endz

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Enfin fini de se casser la tête dans l’escalier !

Les escaliers dans sl … la cata, si ils sont un peu mal pensé, a coup sure on se casse la tronche en voulant monté … ou descendre, alors j’ai pensé qu’un ascenseur pourrait être une bonne idée … à vous de juger !